I was just involved in a conversation about Gastric Sleeve Surgery. For those that don't know what it is see below.... But in short, it simply (but surgically) limits the amount of food you can eat.
Well well, that is amazing, who would have thought that if you eat less you loose weight!!!! Incredible and revolutionary! IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT STOP EATING LIKE AN ELEPHANT!!!!!
Gastric Sleeve SurgeryGastric sleeve surgery (sleeve gastrectomy) is one of the newer forms of bariatric surgery but has quickly been gaining popularity over the recent years. Also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, vertical gastroplasty or sleeve gastroplasty, this procedure is another option for those looking to help with their morbid obesity through gastric bypass surgery. The gastric sleeve is a restrictive procedure meaning that it achieves weight loss results by restricting the amount of food that your body is physically able to take in. There is no malabsorption involved with this procedure but can be followed up with a malabsorptive procedure afterwards if the patient wishes.
Now I read it! Lol. Stop eating like an elephant!