Thursday, April 25, 2013

If you want to look good.....

If you want to look good, this is VERY IMPORTANT and something you need to read... Everyone, especially women!
Do you ever wonder why the majority of “dieters” gain so much weight in the few days after a getting off a “diet”? Women often gain 10-15 pounds back? Maybe you dieted hard for a vacation/wedding etc and right after you immediately gained the weight back and it then took months to then lose it again?

I am going to try to break this down as simple as possible…..

Your metabolic rate (metabolism) is the single most important factor that determines fat loss. Not caloric deficit, not doing endless hours of cardio, it all depends on your metabolic rate. Without metabolism you are dead in the water with a belly full of chubbyness. You can burn calories all day but if your metabolism is damaged your body essentially goes into protection mode and holds onto fat storages. You could eat no carbs, no fats, do tons of cardio and finish each day in a 500 calorie deficit, but without an elevated metabolic rate or low metabolic rate you cannot, and most importantly, you will not lose bodyfat. You will only damage yourself further.

Lets examine why and how metabolic rate becomes damaged:
1) Doing constant steady state/low intensity cardio (walking on treadmill, Stairmaster, elliptical, etc, etc) You lose the fat burning component of steady state cardio very quickly. I will never understand why “dieters” do multiple steady state/low intensity cardio sessions per day when they are not getting a fat burning effect, but rather just eating up muscle and reducing metabolism. Why do hours of cardio when you can accomplish more in 20-30 minutes?

2) Restricting calories too much. More specifically not having enough fats and good carbs in your diet.

3) Not understanding the math behind what you are doing. If you are eating 1200 calories per day and burning 500-1000 in your workouts you are damaging your metabolic rate.

4) Finishing everyday at caloric deficit will damage metabolic rate. This is why carb cycling has become so popular. It allows for support of metabolic rate thusly preventing the damage.

Things that build metabolic rate:
1) Lifting weights, building muscle. High intensity lifting and exercise. Women, I cannot stress this enough. You need to lift hard, heavy and often. You don’t get bulky from lifting weights, you get bulky from the cupcakes, caramel frappuccino, salad with croutons and ranch dressing and other junk you eat; men the same goes for you, bulk comes entirely from calories. Adding muscle adds to metabolic rate, more specifically the more muscle you have the more calories your body burns. Burn more calories and metabolize fat even while at rest, yes, even sitting on the couch!

2) HIIT cardio. High Intensity Interval Training. This is the only type of cardio the body does not adapt to. It supports metabolic rate as well as has the fat burning component.

3) Getting enough quality calories. You need to eat to lose fat. You need to eat to build muscle. You starve yourself, you starve your fat loss ability.

The majority of people who advise on cardio and dieting as well as so called professional coaches are fools, yes, fools. Their science is wrong, it’s actually not science. They prescribe these low calorie diets with endless amounts of cardio and the minute your “diet” ends you gain back tons of weight, they then tell you its because you binged too much and blame it all on you. Wrong wrong wrong. Complete crap! In all honesty, who wouldn’t eat like a machine when you have the opportunity to, especially after you have just starved yourself! What really happened was that during your dieting process you constantly chipped away at your metabolism. For example, a healthy adult female burns about 1500 calories per day without any exercise. Most people on a diet damage their metabolic rate so much that their BMR may be as low as 200-300 calories per day. So the minute the diet is over and you eat a few normal meals, while not doing the double cardio sessions your body immediately gains weight / fat, and fast. A normal healthy person would have their metabolism to keep them in check.

Follow science people, not myth. Protect your metabolism.

Step outside the comfort zone and do something different… lift weights, work harder, work smarter, work faster! Then eat and rest!

Make it a great day!!!!!!!!
Greg DiRenzo, M.S.
Performance Coach, Trainer
"Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"

Friday, April 19, 2013

Do you want to fight?

Do you want to fight?

I do…!

No silly, not a real fight, I’m talking about with myself, a challenge.  A challenge that demands a “fight” with myself daily.  Something that I will have to fight to do everyday, something that I know that I will have to struggle to do, but when I'm done doing it, I will have a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.  Isn't that the way it always works, we have a choice to "do" or "not do", when we make a bad choice such as eating something we shouldn't, or not getting off the couch and getting to the gym or not making time for family or quitting something that is "hard" or whatever, we regret it later, but when we do something that we aren't too fond of doing and we fight thru the pain and suffering for that brief moment, and yes it generally is only a brief moment, we realize that it wasn't that bad.  Why do we give in to weakness by quitting something or not doing something we know we should do?  I don't know why, but I do know that afterwards I either feel good or I regret it.

As some of you know, I am a competitive person, highly competitive actually.  My dictionary actually has a missing page in the "L" section and it is replaced with a page from the "W" section.  Can someone let me know how to spell the word that starts with a "L' and ends in "ose" please.  Back to my fight, like you I'm sure, I surely do not want to get beaten up by myself!  That would make for a good story tho… “Hey Greg, how did you get that black eye?” “I got beat up by myself and I punched myself in the eye!”  I’m sure that person would then hand me a business card and say, “Here, you should call this guy, he helps people like you, he has a real nice comfortable couch you can lay on".

Over the last few years I have been doing “30 day challenges" and last year my challenge was to read 4 books a month for a year, this year it is no alcohol, and quite frankly, last year was easy as well as this year so far has been easy, so I’m looking for a tougher challenge.  Better judgement tells me not to do this, but I’m asking for your input and I’m leaving it up to you to tell me what my challenge should be!  In addition to the two challenges I just mentioned, I’ve completed challenges in the past like: no TV for a month; 10,000 steps/day for a month; no sugar for a month; write a book in 30 days; as well as several physical challenges; all completed with ease; so you have to make this hard for me.  I’m looking for something tough, very tough, even something as big as “no way he can ever can get this done” kind of hard.  I’ve already been presented with “ride a bicycle to work for 30 days” or “eat veggies everyday” or “100 pushups a day for a month” but those aren’t challenging enough,  I am thinking more like “ride a bicycle to Florida” or even something like "get home by 7pm 4 nights a week to hang with the kids" or something like that.

So what do you have for me????  Bring it on and let me know what you think I can’t do!

And sure, you can join me in this challenge if you want, if you are up to the challenge and if you want to win the “can I do it” game……

Maybe you don't want to bother sending me a challenge, maybe you want to do one yourself and keep it private, if so then GO FOR IT!  Maybe you don't want to do my challenge with me but you want me to help keep you accountable to yours?  I'm up for that too.

Let's make May 2013 National Challenge Month and challenge yourself to do something, anything at all and make yourself better everyday!
I'll challenge you to do that!  I challenge you to challenge yourself.

There’s a lot I learn about myself and others by doing these 30 day challenges.  Maybe you can lean a little about yourself too?  Just a thought…..

Yours in health and competion,

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Enough with all this Motivation Already!

Enough with all this Motivation Already!

It seems everyone is posting motivational pics on Facebook nowadays.. (being all happy-happy-positive)

That’s GREAT. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big advocate of positive attitudes

In fact it’s the #1 asset anyone can ever have.

.. but the other day I saw this pic that someone posted, and it said:

“Failure is not an option” (with a fit girl working out in the background)

Here.. is where we have to slow down.

Because, this is wrong.

Failure is always an option..

.. in fact, it is the most readily available option at all times

It’s up to the choices YOU make whether you succeed or fail.

Trying to lose fat + cereal at night = failure

Trying to lose fat + hill sprints + asparagus = success

Failure is always an option, and you’ll never get anywhere until you acknowledge this for yourself..

Because hey, we’re all human. And we all get doubts.

And doubts work like poison in your head, affecting everything you do

We ALL go through this

And the truth is, you will NEVER defeat this

The best thing you can ever do is acknowledge your fears and stare them down until you own them

You’ll never get anywhere if you ignore them

So from now on, acknowledge how you feel, and know that it doesn't matter how many 'likes' you get until you can see it for yourself

It’s ok to be down, it’s what you do AFTERWARDS what makes the difference..

Hope this made sense.

Yours in health,


Make it a great day!!!!!!!!
Greg DiRenzo, M.S.
Performance Coach, Trainer
"Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Have you completely lost your marbles?

Wow, it's been a rough week, for me anyway.... But everyone has rough ones I guess, right?  Does anyone remember playing with marbles as a kid?  Does anyone actually play with marbles anymore? 

Nowadays marble have a different role in my life.

This week I litterally asked myself 3 times, "Do I still have my marbles?"  Contrary to what some people think, I do, litterally and figuratvely.  Do I still play with marbles - no, but my answer to the question is YES, I actually have 1622 marbles!  And that "YES" has never made me happier and more appreciative!  And I want to ask you the same qestion, do you?

In the last week, 3 people - a childhood friend, a good friends father-in-law, and family member are no longer with us and are now with the man above.  In prior posts I talked about "time" (in my 86400 post as well as the topic I chose to ressurect here, which is covered in my Marbles post). 

How many do you have and are marbles as important to you now as an adult as they were as a kid?  They sure are to me!

and counting........

Make it a great day!!!!!!!!

Greg DiRenzo, M.S."Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"

Links below........

Monday, April 1, 2013

Powerful Stuff here……

Powerful Stuff here……

Hey everyone, it’s Greg again with another email, hope you had a great Easter weekend
I took it easy myself – Not a lot of chocolate or jelly beans or anything like that.

In fact, I’m thinking of redesigning my office and the gym and I want to hang up some of those banners with motivational quotes on the wall.

So throughout the weekend, I searched, sorted, and scowered for the very best motivational quotes.  And along the way I came across this quote from Anthony Robbins on how it’s important to always know where you’re going.

This theory really resonates with me because every single person that has had major success while training with me or any trainer here knew exactly WHAT they wanted to accomplish.  It’s not like they came in whenever they felt like it, and just did whatever… they knew exactly WHAT they wanted their outcome to be.

And time after time, these people would reach their goals like it was easy.  This makes sense. I mean, once you know what you want.. all you have to do is go get it.

The problem is however that most people in life have no idea what they want.  And what’s even worse is when people DO know what they want, but do nothing about it.  It’s like they sit and wait.. and say things like “SOMEDAY I’ll do this….”  Well… Someday is now, and someday is here.

One of the quotes I came across this weekend said “The road to someday leads to a town called ‘nowhere’..” – WOW, how true is that!

That’s not a place you want to be….. So take action… and if you’re asking “How?”, then here’s the answer:

You decide.

Make a decision to NEVER settle for anything less than you can be. That you’re not willing to live the way you’re living right now, no matter how good it may seem.  Demanding more from yourself than anyone else could possible expect –  that’s true power.

See you may not know this, but the word ‘decision’ is originally derived from a latin word meaning ‘to cut off from’.

So when you DECIDE to never settle… you automatically cut yourself off from ANY other possibility. And you have nowhere to go but towards what you want.

Hope this made sense :)
Yours in health,

Greg DiRenzo, M.S.
"Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"