Throughout my career I’ve been asked COUNTLESS times by females whether lifting weights will make them bulky – so I decided to address this issue here once again as a review....
Here’s what I say now, just like the previous 12 million times:
Q: "Does lifting weights make me bulky? I don't want to get too big."
A: (as I amswer, I do smile with a chuckle and say), "Workouts don't make you bulky. Bad Nutrition makes you bulky."
Some ladies even stop doing proper workouts because they felt like they were getting bulky. The truth is they were actively building muscle but eating horrible while doing so.
Weak workouts,
Strong Workouts,
Weak Nutrition,
Strong Nutrition....
Strong workouts + Strong Nutrition transforms your body.
Strong workouts + Weak Nutrition at the most will increase endurance, but will do nothing for your appearance.
Weak Workouts + Weak Nutrition is a waste of time.
If you want that bikini body, then build muscle and lose fat. It's that simple.
If you want to get it fast, use heavy weights, do sprints, and for goodness sake Stop running... please. OMG, here he goes again.... (I know you just said that, and I actually felt the stick pin from the Voo-Doo doll)
I can not even count the amount of 'runners' over the years that have asked me asking how to lose that last part of their 'pooch' - as well as the numerous amount of runners that hate me for saying this over and over and over again, there aremore of tha later actually.
To lose the "pooch" - The answer is simple: Get on a small calorie deficit, and keep your workouts INTENSE.
Skip the running and absolutely kill it with each workout. Have your post workout shake immediately afterwards, and then non processed real food; protein, carbs, veggies within 45 min.
Cardiowise I'm talking sled work, hill sprints, jumprope, battle ropes, that type of stuff, WITH INTENSITY!
And if this advice doesn't jive with you - then that's cool. But I'm right, you know it, and some just don't want to work that hard by doing sled work, hill sprints, jumprope, battle ropes, etc.
But the best thing you can do is choose ONE person to listen to, and it may not be me.... Follow his/her tips to the fullest and ignore all else - don't get information overload and just keep it simple.
It's not rocket science, just human science, but the single most important thing you can do is take action and stay focused. (and the second most important thing you can do is listen to me) :)
Both of the ladies above are a size 2 and the girl on the right is 11lbs heavier at the same height, which do you want to look like?
After my previous discussions on this topic I always get tons of comments, (and I'm sure I'll get plenty more in my inbox) and some do come from my clients, here is one of them.
She said: “Hi Greg!! This stuff is very informative.. I just have a question, why no running?? I thought it was the best to complement the workout.. Please explain, thank you.”
And before I bore you with a long answer on this now, I decided to let you enjoy the weekend and write an entire new blog on why you should avoid running.. For Monday.... I think I'll call it "Stop Running"......
Yours in health,
Greg DiRenzo, M.S.
Lakeside Fitness Center
"Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"
Every time I read your articles I come to know something new. Thank you! I noticed that there are many people doing highly intensive workouts do not have any body transformation. I am sure, the reason of that is food. I am a bread-lover (I was, now I can regulate this). And there is a simple rule, that helped me to reduce the amount of carbs in my diet: eat bread before 4:00 p.m. There is another one for cheese-lovers: eat cheese before 3:00 p.m. max 1.4 oz (40 gr) a day. This is not my idea - a famous nutritionist's..And reduce sugar. I eat honey 1-2 spoons (who can eat much of it?). One should'n follow all the rules. Just one! And you will see the results! Tested on myself. I hope, somebody will read this. Because it's hard to see how intensively people work without any results...