Thursday, August 29, 2013

Competing on Price and NOT Charging What You’re Worth!

I believe in free enterprise. I believe in charging a premium for products, services, and expertise.  I believe in natural selection in all things… and in business that means society will always vote with their money by purchasing the products and services that deliver the most value to their lives.  That’s the beauty of a free-market. Build a better mousetrap, and the market will gladly pay you more for it, buy more of it, and tell others about it.  Lakeside Fitness Center is a “better mousetrap!”

Lakeside Fitness Center is an amazing facility, at least I believe that and most who I talk to do as well.  People always ask if we are going to “have a special like XYZ GYM” or something like that, and at Lakeside we will always say no, no because we do not compete on price, why should we care about what other gyms are charging for their membership and services?  First off, we don’t sell memberships, people here buy a membership; they buy results. It makes no sense to compete on price.  Lately it seems that the trend in our industry is to keep cutting prices in hopes to get more members and clients with a lower price or to make more money on volume.  To me it shows panic, panic that your value isn’t where it should be to sustain your market share; listen I know the economy has changed, but as I will point out later the value you see for what you want hasn’t changed.

Whatever happened to delivering a premium service and charging a premium price for it?
I’m going to go get Premium gas, but I only want to pay at the lowest grade, sure fill me up!  Try that and see how much premium gas you get.  Fact is, if you’re competing on price, then you’re NOT good… and you’re probably even a worse entrepreneur.

In the fitness world we deliver a service, a service that saves lives and adds years of quality living to a person’s life. Don’t you think you deserve more for that than “low price”?  What we do has irrefutably shown to deliver improved mental health, productivity, and an overall better quality of life. That’s huge! We help folks look, feel, and function more athletically.  That’s priceless considering the state of obesity and inactivity in today’s society.  We have the know how to help folks lower stress levels, lower blood pressure, lower their cholesterol, and lower their risk of heart disease –ALL WITHOUT MEDICATION, but we still continue to compete on price?

There’s something fundamentally wrong with that logic.

Everyday folks pay for Starbucks coffee that’s 1600% more expensive than making coffee at home.  People will buy the Mercedes Benz, BMW, and Audi over Toyota, Honda, Ford, and Chevy all day long, because of what they see as “value”.  Is a Ruths Chris burger better than a McDonalds burger?  You are darn right it is!  We choose the iPhone over the Android, which costs a fraction of what the iPhone costs.  Why not just buy a flip phone…. We see value in “coolness” in the iPhone, in having features, and in being able to have access to what we want-when we want it… and that’s valuable to us, so we pay for it.

More than enough people pay $155/month for certain “high end” gym membership in the NYC and other areas, which is why they keep opening up more locations around the country.  Think about that… if other “high end” fitness centers can sell access to a gym for $155+ a month, what’s stopping us from charging that much or even ½ of that… and we know we deliver results as well.

In January, when we made changes here at Lakeside Fitness Center, it really didn’t matter what the other gyms, training studios, or boot camps places were charging and are currently charging. We have a facility and a staff that deliver results, our trainers hold our clients accountable, we keep them motivated and our facility creates a community everyone is proud to be a part of.  Lakeside Fitness Center is clean and has amenities that no other facility in the area has; along with the right trainers to deliver awesome results and that’s why Lakeside Fitness Center will consistently command more than other facilities around.

Here we understand why people buy fitness, we understand what it is they really want from a fitness center and a training program, we are not concerned with competition, economy or demographics, we are concerned with making our facility and our members better.  We are an awesome fitness center and what we do is changes lives… literally. We won’t under charge, we don’t compete on price, and don’t give a shit about what everyone else is saying or doing.  We want to be the best at what we do; delivering results, bringing energy to every member for their workout and providing VALUE. I guess when other facilities start talking about you and marketing around you, you are doing something good.  We are worth it and we have great members and a great staff to thank for our success!


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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

With the Holidays coming up I figured everyone could use a Healthy Recipe Book - and it's free for you!

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"Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I have no words for this ending.....

“I got muscle in my group fitness class..” ... said no person everrrrrrrrrrr!!! (go ahead shoot your arrows...)

Before the weekend hits, I want to set something straight: 
(not sure what's special about this weekend, but that sounded good)

For real results, you need to build muscle. And to build muscle, you need to damage it during your workout, so that it can ‘regrow’ afterwards. Yes I said, ‘damage’… stay with me here…

During this ‘regrow’ after your workout, it’s the intention to have your muscle grow back stronger and bigger. That’s one of the main purposes of working out, aside from burning calories during the workout.

During your workout you’re tearing muscle down. When you eat & sleep you rebuild. But you will only ‘regrow’ and rebuild your muscle if you:
-> Drink a protein shake within 15 minutes from finishing your workout
-> Push heavy weight in the first place (with proper form)
-> Have a complete meal within 60 min after finishing your workout
-> Be nice to others. Don't be like Justin Timberlake, only inviting 2 of the N-Sync members for his wedding with Jessica Biel, that's just mean.
-> Drink at least half a gallon water (aim for a gallon and fail forward)
-> Get at least 7 hours sleep. No more Jay Leno (does anyone watch him anymore-really?), go to bed. Live like a European in America, it’s a beautiful thing.
-> Reduce stress to a minimum. Have a 7 month emergency fund set up. And cut out all vampires from your life, especially if they like to get drunk a few times a month.
-> Eat clean. No more drive-thrus.
-> Stop saying dumb things like “I want arms like that” or “I want legs like hers”. Be grateful, happy with what you have. I can guarantee you that your absolute WORST day is someone else’s dream come true.

If you do all this properly, you will gain muscle. Gaining muscle is GOOD. When you gain muscle, you increase your metabolism for throughout the day, so that your Calories OUT goes up not only during your workout, but also afterwards..

This is why I’m big-time anti-marathons. Unless you’re on a bouncy treadmill, running long-distance breaks muscle down like no other. Yeah you’ll burn calories while running, but you’ll lose muscle as well – the OPPOSITE of what you want. (unless you are running marathons for competition, a challenge or for a specific purpose)

Big time risk of getting ‘skinny’ instead of ‘Warrior-like’.

And to all guys -> when a fire breaks out, most brunettes choose the warriors over the skinnys to carry them to safety. Blondes too I think.

To girls -> skinny is extinct. Come on, it’s 2013 and it’s about c-shapes, strength, and legs that have ‘content’.  Ribs and bones are only good if you are at a barbecue joint!

So you break down muscle while you workout. That’s why every workout should be 45-60 min max of INTENSITY – you don’t want to damage your muscle for too long. Build muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle, muscle.. a little more muscle!

To all ladies: I want you to read that sentence a couple times – or as many times you need to become comfortable with the term. Muscle is good, it’s your friend. And this email serves as my retirement from telling you that muscle does not make you bulky...

In other words, this is the last time I’m saying it: Excess bodyfat makes you look bulky. And excess calories give you excess bodyfat. No other way to explain it.

Therefore, CALORIES make you bulky…. Calories IN vs Calories OUT

Nutrition 101... If you have a foot long meatball parm sandwich, chips fand a diet coke or lunch, you’re giving yourself too little ‘wiggle room’ for all other 5 meals you should be eating throughout the day… and you’re very likely to overeat throughout the day.  But the Diet coke did help....yes, sarcasm intended.

‘Overeating’ here means that your Calories IN from waking up to bedtime exceeds your Calories OUT.

One more time:
IN more than OUT – you gain weight.

IN equals OUT – you stay the same.

IN less than OUT – you lose weight (provided your deficit is reasonable and not all week long, avoiding the starvation response).

See, I’m slightly fired up here – because after my last email on this a while ago where I wrote about most group exercise / fake weight classes being ineffective for fat loss, I get this reply from a girl:

“But Greg, the classes at your gym are great, why are you knocking them, I take body sculpt, spin and the Zumba group exercise classes, they are a great workout because people sweat, and one of my friends actually lost 30lbs while doing them.”

Going forward I will reference “Prancercise” as my “fake workout” exercise of choice here. (thanks Mariea). More on “Prancercise” later…. A lot more, so grab a tissue and some popcorn for later...

To debunk this nonsense about sweating and classes:
-1- Sweat is not an indication of a good workout, it is your body’s way of ‘cooling you down’ when you get hot. Some people sweat more than others, and it has little to do with whether your workout is effective.  It is an indicator of relative intensity, in my opinion.  I use 'relative' because intensity to everyone is totally different.

-2- Anyone can lose 30 lbs by reducing their calories IN.. i.e. going on a diet. If you’re disciplined and eating 500+ calories less than what you burn off everyday for 6 days a week, you’ll lose 1 pound per week. REGARDLESS of what exercise program you do. Your exercise program serves to increase your Calories OUT.

Therefore, weight loss is not an indication of a good workout either. It’s your definition, inches, sizes, strength, energy, and butt that defines your workout. Look, I must write this. Because I want to save your day, literally. I want to save you TIME. Let me explain why...

The #1 thing that separates the successful (exerciser or business people) from everyone else is.. how.. they .. manage.. their.. time, let me repeat that they..... manage..... their...... time.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in the day. Warren Buffet has 24 hours. Jay Leno has 24 hours. And even Kanye West has 24 hours, 10 of which he spends with Kim, 10 of which he brags about how much money he has and 4 of telling others how good his lyrics are. What puts you ahead or holds you back, is how you spend your time. Time management is HUGE.

Huge as in Kim’s butt huge.

Now if you look at the Prancercise workout versus a Real workout… Prancercise being aerobics & dancing, versus resistance training explosive movements, resisted/uphill running, plyometrics, anaerobics, and INTENSE cardio.  Then you’re better off spending time doing a real workout. Prancercise is like Spanks. It feels good at first, then what...?, but in the end you’re just as flabby.  Resistance makes you stronger. You can’t expect to see results from Prancercise like stuff, there is no real resistance involved.  It’s aerobics. And “trying to lose fat with aerobics is like emptying the ocean one shot glass at a time.”  Your body grows when you are uncomfortable, Your body grows when you put it through resistance, and Prancercise stuff does not provide ample resistance. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate Prancercise for it’s place on the fitness ladder. It is on the first step; that is the “hilarious and are you crazy” step.

Prancercise is an awesome way of ‘getting started’ for guys and girls that:
- have not worked out in 22+ years
- have one leg
- like to drink a lot
- enjoy a good ab workout due to laughing so hard

In all seriousness, “something” is always better than “nothing”, just not Prancercise stuff. And true success is not for everyone, some just want to 'move'. And one of the worst phenomena in the world is when fit people make fun of the unfit for ‘trying’.  It just hurts to me to see these unfit people ‘trying’ and truly believing they are going to see real results. It just won’t happen with aerobics. 

Richard Simmons never had a 6-pack.

or did he?

As old school as it may seem, old time weight lifters and bodybuilders are on the cutting edge. I once heard one of these old timers say, “Anyone wanting to improve their body is a bodybuilder. And I’ll lift weights till the day I die.”

So as a group, let’s start being weight lifters and bodybuilders… or Warriors. In the good sense of the word. Not meatheads, but renegades that keep their eyes on the prize and live, eat, and breathe fat loss. You can do it – I believe in you, and if there is anything you need just let me know.

Ok, I know you are dying to know, “What is Prancercise?” I actually have no words to describe it, check it for yourself and click the word Prancercise below….

Yours in health - and laughter,

Greg DiRenzo, M.S.
"Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Outside your comfort zone?

People always ask if I'm afraid or scared to try or do something.... I guess there is always some inhibition on something "outside your comfort zone" or something "challenging," but how do you grow if you don't challenge your limits....?

In short, my answer is nope never ever; but what I am afraid of is not trying or doing it and the feeling of regret later.  Do you ever wonder if you could have done "this" or "that" or even not done "this' or "that".....

Too many people are afraid of failure; but isn't not trying or doing something failure of what you could do or could become?

You've heard me say hundreds of times that nothing is difficult, it just takes time, and that is the truth. Prove me wrong and try something "outside your comfort zone" or something "challenging" and stick with it!  Because it's the start that stops most people, and if you don't quit, you can't fail!  It just may take you a little longer than some.

Get inspired and do something new today!


Greg DiRenzo, M.S.
"Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"