Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lack of strength training is most common U.S. health vice

Good read on weight lifing and otherhealth vices....

Yours in health,

Greg DiRenzo, M.S.
Performance Coach, Trainer
"Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Get paid for working out! I'll show you how!

Wouldn't it be nice to get a few bucks for sweating and busting your tail at the gym? Wouldn't it be nice to offset the cost of the gym membership?

Well I have a solution for you and here is your opportunity to get paid for going to the gym and working out!here is your opportunity to get paid for going to the gym and working out!

Conquer workout excuses and earn cash rewards for exercising!!!! Yes, you can get paid to exercise - that is awesome right! Wait a minute, who pays me you might ask… you are paid by non-exercisers! Woo hoo!!! – and you are paid weekly. Wow, that is awesome Greg! (I thought I heard you say that… )
So here is the skinny on the program! - You make a pact on how many days you'll workout, yes, you decide. You check-in via smart phone-GPS at Lakeside Fitness Center and your smart phone tracks your sessions while working out at Lakeside Fitness Center.

(oh yeah, one more thing, you also set the stakes of how much you'll pay if you don't workout).

Here is a video on the program:


Available thru the app store for Android and Iphone or go to www.gym-pact.com.

I have created a promo code for you to get started and quickly earn an extra $5! Wow, that is awesome Greg (I thought I heard you say that again… )
Use the promo code “Lakeside” and enter it in the referral box during the registration process. With this code you can get started without having to enter additional payment info, and you will get an extra $5 after completing your first pact.


Yours in health,

Greg DiRenzo, M.S.
Performance Coach, Trainer
"Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Defining moment for me!!!

This past weekend I was sent an email from one of my members, an email which I want to share with you below. This email is truly why I do what I do. For those that know personally know me, they know that I speak truths and I say things sometimes that offend people, primarily because I am honest, I don't sugar coat things and it probably makes some people upset at me, well let me rephrase that, in some cases it really pisses people off. Sometimes it just take a step back to truly ask yourself what you want or what you don’t want. That goes for business, family, personally and in this case physically. As you will see from below, just like Vivian, you all are in control and in charge of everything you do!


From: Vivian King
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 10:34 AM
To: Greg DiRenzo
Subject: The Defining moment for me!!!

Hey Greg,
So I was at the gym this morning and I was thinking about when things changed for me as I was using the stair master and looking at those framed appreciation letters on the wall.

I guess it would have to be the first time I formally met you. Mary Ellen had gathered a bunch of people from Lakeside to celebrate the Holiday Season and I believe she called it a "Friends in Fitness" get together. That morning we had all just received your first email announcing that you had bought the Gym. I had seen you around the gym but you and I had never met. That night at the Pub Gina introduced us. I was saying something about how I needed to try something new with my exercise routine as I had not been able to lose the last 20 lbs. You asked me, "What's the problem?" and I told you I needed to lose more weight. You asked me if I had changed what I was eating and I said, "I don't want to give up my food. I eat well." You looked me dead in the eye and said, "So, what's the problem?" I said I need to lose 20 more lbs. You said, you need to cut in half what you eat and I said, "I don't want to give up my food." You said again, "So, What's the problem?"

I don't know why but it did not hit me then. Since you have taken over the gym I have seen lots of positive changes. The main thing is the weekly emails and or Facebook blasts with your words of wisdom and/or quick tips. This past week you sent out Summer Slim Down Tips. The first one is what got me to write this email as it brought me back to that night at the Pub - "You can never our exercise a bad diet." As soon as I read that I heard your voice asking me "So, What's the problem?"

After reading your FB Blast I got myself on the computer and I printed out 6 different HIIT routines that I could do myself. I got myself in the gym and I made the effort to complete 2 of those routines as well as taking the 2 classes I usually take at LFC this week. I've made the decision to stop making excuses and I will make the effort to change what I eat as well as how much. I have figured out what the problem is and the problem is me. I make the rules and I set the tone.

Thank you for that,

Powerfull stuff right there!!!!!!!

Ok, so who wants something for $19.95 now? Ok, nevermind, this time it's for free? Something that will revolutionize your life! What, are you serious, yes! I'll give you something that will either make you laugh or make you mad as heck at me, or maybe open your eyes a little. What can this magic be? It's my book. Yes, I am an author, next time you see me I'll be in a smoking jacket and scarf... I wrote it a few years ago, it's titled "Are you kidding me or are you nuts?" I wrote it about 6 years ago, it is a humorous common sense "dieting - health" book written based on common sense and a little fitness knowledge that I have.  I will send it to you in .pdf format, just email me at gdirenzo@aol.com and tell me to send the book that will change your life! :)


Make it a great day!!!!!!!!
Greg DiRenzo, M.S.
Performance Coach, Trainer
"Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

25 Summer Slim Down Tips!

I know, I know.. summer is here and I’m so excited that the cold weather is over!!!

Here are 25 of my favorite Summer Slim Down Tips:

1. You can never out exercise a bad diet. Start eating whole foods and stay away from junk now (duh on the second part.. but the first part, remember that you can NEVER work off a caramel frappucino with some cardio).

2. When eating out make sure you ask the waiter to fill up your plate with two servings of veggies rather than the mandatory carb that comes along with it.

3. Always write down goals for yourself. Don't type them.

4. Make sure those goals are so out of this world that everyone will be looking at you like you are crazy. Shoot for the stars and you'll end up one of the stars. It's so cliché but true.

5. Take a before picture of yourself. Front, side and back.

6. Front load your carbs in the beginning of the day. On workout days you can have more than normal carbs. Non workout days I would really watch it especially at night.

7. Drink water. A dehydrated body will not lose fat. Min 1.5 Liters a day for the ladies.

8. To burn the most fat in the least amount of time, 99% of the time do full body circuit training workouts with little to no rest in between.

9. Don't take fat loss advice from someone that doesn't look like they practice what they preach.

10. You will end up living up to the expectations of everyone else around you. Put yourself in the company of people who have achieved what you already want to achieve.

11. There is no one perfect fat loss program.

12. There are only a few fat loss principles.

13. If you screw up (which you will eventually do) don't beat yourself up for slipping up. Focus on the solution rather than the problem.

14. Thoughts equal things. Focus on what you want ie. Flat stomach, toned thighs etc.. rather than what you don't want ie.  "I don't want to get fat", "I don't want to eat badly" etc..

15. Always aim for the "Afterburn effect". Afterburn happens when you end a day of exercise but an hour later you are still sweating from the workout. This is your metabolism on FIRE. This is done through different forms of circuit training, tabata training, etc. just like at boot camp.

16. Buy clothing that is a size or two down from what you normally wear. Make it your goal to fit into that piece of clothing in two months.

17. Fitness classes (Step classes, fake weight classes, tae-bo, Zumba classes, etc...) are fun but ineffective at helping you burn fat and achieve the body you want to achieve. Don’t sacrifice a great weigh training session for a fun class. (unless you’re in it to mingle with other people).

18. Yoga is awesome for developing an injury resistant body but not great for fat loss. An average yoga class burns 130 calories. Sweeping your floor burns 130 calories.

19. Doing exercise with a friend is the best way to stick to a workout program.

20. If you do exercise with a friend, make sure they are AS SERIOUS AS YOU ARE in terms of achieving your goals.

21. PLEEEEAAASSSEEE! Don't do long boring cardio. Do interval training. Google it or read one of my hundred other posts.

22. Adopt a long term mindset when trying to achieve a goal. Nothing happens overnight. We live in an instant gratification society where we want things done FAST. Tip: Accuracy is speed.

23. Stop rationalizing. We rationalize and lie to ourselves to soften the blow. We have to be radically honest with ourselves and push for the solution.

24. Stay outside of your comfort zone as much as you can. Doing uncomfortable things will result in more confidence, more growth as a human being and more skills.

25. Intensity EQUALS results.

Just focus on your goals, persevere and you'll get to where you need to be in no time.

Yours truly,

Make it a great day!!!!!!!!

Greg DiRenzo, M.S.
Performance Coach, Trainer
"Small Hinges Swing Big Doors"