Sunday, April 25, 2021

Your Immune System & Nutrients That Support It!

In January of 2020, “A Review of Micronutrients and the Immune System—Working in Harmony to Reduce the Risk of Infection” was published in the online peer review journal Nutrients. How prophetic that such a review would turn out to be critical three months later, with the worldwide onset of the pandemic—Covid-19.

Researchers from the Linus Pauling Institute, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Oregon State University and Bayer Consumer Care AG in Switzerland, comment in the Review that, “immune support by micronutrients is historically based on vitamin C deficiency and supplementation in scurvy in early times.”

Scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency, causes swollen, bleeding gums, opening of previously healed wounds, weakness, feeling tired, with sore arms and legs- along with decreased red blood cells, changes to hair, and bleeding from the skin may also occur.

In 1753, researcher James Lind used three different diet approaches with men suffering from scurvy to determine that citrus fruits—higher in vitamin C- provided a solution to this condition.

In addition to vitamin C, vitamins A, D, E, B6, B12, and folate, along with minerals zinc, iron, copper, selenium, and magnesium also play vital, synergistic roles at every stage of the immune response.

Our immune defense system is composed of elaborate components, which provide physical and biochemical barriers, specialized immune cells, and antibodies that challenge and attack an invading pathogen.

The first line of defense is called the innate immune response—characterized by a challenge by the skin, hair, and mucus membranes to provide a barrier into the body. In other words, limit access points of entry.

From there, it’s the job of biochemical attackers—leukocytes such as neutrophils, natural killer (NK) cells, and macrophages—to identify “non-self” molecules to open fire and destroy the invader, which is marked as an antigen. Cytokines (involved in cell signaling), then repair any damage.

That’s followed by a second wave of attackers, T & B cells, which is the phase of the immune response characterized as adaptive immunity—that remembers the invader and coordinates a joint response.

The researchers from Oregon State and Bayer AG provide an excellent overview, “of the known mechanisms of micronutrients that are fundamental to immune function,” and how inadequate intake might affect risk to infection. Here are few of the impacts of specific immune modulating nutrients.

Vitamin A—important for intestinal immune response, thus supporting the gut barrier; carotenoids (either provitamin A or non-provitamin A) have immunoregulatory actions.

Vitamin D—calcitriol (a form of vitamin D3) regulates antimicrobial proteins responsible for modifying intestinal microbiota to a healthier composition and supporting the gut barrier, as well as, protecting the lungs against infection.

Vitamin C—promotes collagen synthesis and protects cell membranes from damage caused by free radicals, thus supporting integrity of epithelial barriers.

Vitamin E—protects cell membranes from damage caused by free radicals and support the integrity of epithelial barriers.

Vitamins B6, B12, Folate—involved in intestinal immune regulation (e.g., by mediating lymphocyte migration into the intestine) in the case of vitamin B6, while folate is essential for the survival of regulatory T cells in the small intestine. Human gut microbes use vitamin B12, as a cofactor for metabolic pathways, thus supporting the gut barrier. Folate is also important for sufficient antibody response to antigens.

Iron—essential for differentiation and growth of epithelial tissue.

Zinc—helps maintain integrity of skin and mucosal membrane (e.g., cofactor for metalloenzymes required for cell membrane repair); important in maintaining immune tolerance (i.e., the ability to recognize “self” from “non-self”).

Copper—role in functions of macrophages, neutrophils, and monocytes; enhances NK cell activity.

Selenium—helps to maintain antibody levels.

Magnesium—cofactor of enzymes of nucleic acid metabolism and stabilizes structure of nucleic acids; involved in DNA replication and repair; roles in antigen binding to macrophages; regulates leukocyte activation; involved in the regulation of apoptosis (programed cell death).

Please keep in mind that each nutrient listed has additional immune support benefits, which are beyond the scope of this column. Nor are nutrient requirements listed, since that must depend on guidance from your physician.

What you can see, is the need to have a healthy eating plan and the support of a good multi-vitamin/mineral formula, as main components of your immune support plan—adding various forms of daily exercise to round out the mix.

Yours in health,

Monday, April 12, 2021

5 Good Foods for Getting Quality Protein

Proteins are among the key nutrients we need to survive and be healthy. They play an important role in the body’s metabolic and digestive processes. For one thing, during the metabolic process, they break down into essential amino acids which provide the body with the energy it needs to perform tasks and necessary functions. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. It also helps produce essential enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Here is a list of five of the top foods for obtaining protein:

  1. Chicken- Easily prepared by grilling or baking. Excellent source of protein, and low in fat
  2. Salmon- Low in calories and saturated fat, yet high in protein, and the health-promoting fat, omega-3 essential fatty acids
  3. Eggs- Cheap way to get lean protein. One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids and only 1.5 grams of saturated fats. Contrary to previous belief, moderate consumption of eggs does not have a negative impact on cholesterol.
  4. Yellow Tail - One four-ounce filet of this slightly oily fish has a potent 34 grams of protein for 212 calories. How does that compare to chicken breast? The same amount (4 oz) has 26 grams of protein and 110 calories.
  5. Greek yogurt- Great for vegetarians with more protein than the average American yogurt. Since it is strained, the protein content is concentrated, providing an average of 20g per cup as opposed to 8g per cup for the American style.

Interested in a protein supplement? Check out our supplement partner - dotFIT! 

Yours in health,

Friday, March 26, 2021

HIIT and Steady State Cardio

The Difference Between HIIT and Steady State Protocol
You’ve probably heard various terms for different types of exercise protocol.  In particular, the term HITT programming is prolific, yet, many don’t really understand what it is. 

And, there’s some confusion as to how it compares to regular aerobic “steady state” protocol. 

Let’s take a look at some of the scientific information as well as some “real world” application in comparing these two key types of exercise protocol:

●     High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – which involves short bouts of intense exercise interspersed with recovery periods.

●     Moderate Intensity Continuous Training (MICT) – which involves a sustained effort of medium intensity exercise that is not broken up by recovery periods. This is sometimes also known as steady-state exercise.

NOTE: As with any kind of big “broad brush” description, most of the information will be cast as “generalities” with the assumption that almost any protocol can be broken out and designed to be more specific to your particular circumstances, physical attributes and current conditioning.
What is HIIT?
You’ve probably already heard of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).

It involves short (typically less than 4-min) spurts of highly intense exercise which are separated by periods of complete rest or less-intense active recovery.

A HIIT workout protocol using a stationary bike, for example, might include :30-second intervals of high intensity (fast cadence and high resistance) spinning, each followed by 1 minute of easy (low resistance) cycling.

But, what exactly do we mean by “high intensity” exercise?

Generally speaking, HIIT intervals involve “near maximal” efforts that we perform at over 80-85% of our maximum heart rate (HRmax).

Another way of classifying the intensity of exercise is by comparing it to our body’s maximum rate of oxygen consumption (or VO2 max). High intensity intervals generally push us to over 75-80% of our VO2max.
What is MICT?
Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training (MICT)(steady state) involves a sustained effort, with no intervening rest periods.

An example may be cycling on a stationary bike continuously at a constant pace for 20 minutes.
In contrast to HIIT, MICT workouts are much less intense, with exercise performed at a moderate intensity. This typically corresponds to 55-75% of maximum heart rate (HRmax) or 40-65% of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max).
Weight Gain During Inactivity
During the Covid-19 lockdown, you may have gained a bit of weight. And, unfortunately it wasn’t lean muscle mass!

A reduction in total daily energy expenditure (through less movement) coupled with increased energy intake (as a result of prolonged close proximity to the fridge and snacking out of boredom) will invariably lead to fat deposition and an increase in body-fat percentage.

So, what type of workout is better for burning this newly accumulated fat: HIIT or MICT?

First things first: both HIIT and MICT are shown to elicit significant reductions in total body-fat percentages. It’s an obvious point, but if you’re looking to shed fat and improve your body composition, doing any exercise (either HIIT of MICT) is better than doing nothing at all (or relying on dietary changes alone).

Both Are Good Solutions
A meta-analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM), which analyzed the data from 1,012 subjects across 36 studies, found that HIIT was associated with a 28.5% greater reduction in absolute fat mass compared to MICT.

People enrolled in HIIT programs lost 1.58 kg (3.5 lbs) of body fat on average, whereas those participating in MICT programs lost 1.13 kg (2.5 lbs)

Despite this finding, the meta-analysis found that, while both HIIT and MICT produce significant reductions in total body fat percentage, there was no significant difference between the groups.

When viewed in overall percentages, those performing HIIT dropped their body-fat percentage by 1.50% percentage points, which was similar to the 1.44% drop in those performing MICT.

Several other studies of overweight and obese subjects also report no significant difference between HIIT and MICT in terms of improving body composition.

For example, a meta-analysis published in Obesity Reviews reported a 3 cm reduction in waist circumference in both HIIT and MICT groups, with exercise programs involving 3 days per week of exercise and lasting for 10 weeks on average.
But, HIIT is the “TIME-EFFICIENCY” Winner
Interestingly, however, the evidence seems to be clear that despite similar outcomes on body composition, HIIT requires less time.

For instance, one meta-analysis of 22 studies found that MICT sessions lasted 40 minutes on average, compared to just 30 minutes for HIIT.

The BJSM meta-analysis crunched the numbers and concluded that while MICT gives you a 0.0026% reduction in body fat percentage per a minute of exercise, the equivalent figure for HIIT is 0.0050% per minute.

In other words, HIIT is a more time-efficient way of shedding fat.

There are good physiological reasons for this.

Higher intensity exercise generally stimulates greater production of hormones such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and growth hormone -- all of which promote fat-burning or fat oxidation.

Furthermore, HIIT causes more of something known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). More commonly referred to as “afterburn,” EPOC occurs during recovery after exercise when oxygen consumption is elevated above baseline resting levels as the body restores various metabolic processes back to normal.

Such processes include the removal of lactate and H+ ions, rebuilding muscle glycogen stores and oxidation of fat for fuel for a longer period of time.

All in all, then, if you’ve only got a limited opportunity for exercise, say 30 minutes, and burning fat is your top priority, then HIIT represents a much better investment of your time.

Bear in mind, however, that by virtue of including high intensity, near-maximal efforts, HIIT workouts place more stress on your body.

As such, the risk of injury is higher and you may require greater recovery time between HIIT workouts.

Regardless of whether you prefer HIIT or MICT (steady state), it is worth hiring a trainer to be certain that you are moving in a safe and effective way.

Taking the time to learn proper exercise technique can improve your results and help prevent injuries.
Plus, you’re unique.  Your body’s physical attributes, current conditioning, body mechanics, experience, and goals are unique to YOU. 

As a fitness professional, I can create a plan that is specific to you -- and your requirements.  With a program that fits, you are much more likely to achieve the results you seek.

Yours in health,