Welcome to 2015!
It's a new year, a new day, a new start!
Today you can start becoming great or great-er!
But why?
There is always so much hype about "The New Year" but honestly I don't get it. What is different about today than yesterday? What makes this Thursday different? What makes your actions on this day forward different than your actions from last Thursday?
In the fitness industry this is a huge time of the year, a time to capture all the New Year Resolution people! In my mailbox yesterday I was shocked, no bills!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome... but it was loaded with fitness center mailers!!! Yes, I get them too. They all say things like "Grand Re-Opening" or "Join Now & Get Jan Free" or "No Gimmicks" or "Your 2015 Body Is Here" and all the other cool catch phrases and hooks. (oh yeah, they all have that little *asterisk somewhere...) Come on, really? Again, what makes this Thursday different?
Ok, before you start cursing me out and calling me Bummer Bob or Debbie Downer, or anything else hold on, I'm not a total scrooge or naysayer at all.
I believe in hype, enthusiasm, excitement, and all those other awesome adjectives, but I more so believe in action. Ask anyone who knows me or who ever trained with me, action speaks louder than words. I believe in enthusiasm and killer energy, but I'm not the rah-rah guy at all. I can't give you drive, I can't give you determination, I can't give you focus, I can help by reminding you why to do "it" and how to do "it", but for Pete's sake dude and dudette, you have to want "it!"
So take action this year, don't half-ass it, don't make excuses, don't settle for anything less than becoming a SUPERHERO!
Define the Superhero that you want to become. Write down what that Superhero means in your mind. Yes, write it down, I'll wait for you to grab a pen and paper......................................
ok, good I see you have it.
Here is what your paper should look like:
Superhero name: _______________________
What 3 things will make me a Superhero this year?
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
(maybe you listed a personal goal(s)? or a financial goal(s)? or a family goal(s)? or a spiritual goal(s)? or education goal(s)? or to fit into the Blue Tights and Red Cape?
What 3 things will stop me from becoming Superhero this year?
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
(maybe you listed not spending time with the family? or not going to the gym 3-4 days a week? or not getting up everyday and working your ass off? or not reading and studying? or eating with impulse rather than logic? - (hint no Blue Tights and Red Cape)
Take ACTION this year, in fitness, in life, in everything you do!
Happy TODAY,