Monday, January 20, 2014

Lose 5 inches and 10 pounds in only 15 days!

I am looking for 20 people who want to lose 5 inches and drop 10 pounds in 15 workout days.

We are testing out a new program that combines metabolic training, various resistance exercises and nutrition programming together to help you burn maximum fat, drop fat and lose inches in only 15 workout days.

So I am effectively looking for 20 lucky people to test drive the new 5-10-15 fat loss program.

Just the thing you have been waiting for! :-)

If this sounds like it is something you would want to do then let me know today via email (, or just call us at 201-651-1010 because the program starts on Monday 2/3/2014.

Here are some details about the program that you should know before you consider joining...

This is a 15 workout day training and nutritional manipulation program that is relatively intense and proven. You are going to work hard on these 15 days BUT your results are going to come fast and will be significant when you follow my new program.

Some people will lose as much as 12-15 pounds during these 15 workout days and even more than just five inches of their thighs and waist combined, but I am estimating that the average lose will be 5 inches off the total body and 10 pounds in only 15 workout days - which is why I'm naming this my 5-10-15 fat loss program.

Creative, right?

Here is how it works... You will come and workout four to five days per week. And you'll follow the eating plan that I'll review with you (because you can not out train a bad diet).

Like I said, the program and the workouts will be challenging and intense, and yes, they can be modified for all fitness levels so do not worry if you are new to working out. And yes, you will experience soreness in your muscles, nothing too bad, but definitely some soreness letting you know that you just had an awesome workout.

Now here is the best part of this whole thing - the cost.

Since this is my new version and since we are only taking on a small group of 20 new clients on this program. I have priced it for anyone to afford.

The entire 5-10-20 fat loss program is only $89. Yes, you did do the math correctly, that is under $6 a workout!

Like I said the program starts this coming Monday at Lakeside Fitness Center. So if you want to be one of the first 20 people on the program and get a lot of fat burning and muscle tone done in only 15 workout days then you need to email me or call me now at 201-651-1010 to lock in your spot for Monday Feb 3rd.

If you have questions email me
( or call me at 201-651-1010.

I have a feeling this program is going to sell out quickly at this low price and with the limited number of spots available. Two options available for training. So do not wait if you think it is right for you.

Looking forward to seeing you in the program Monday Feb 3rd!

Lakeside Fitness Center

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Years Resolutioin-The Answer! - Beast Mode!

Ok now that it’s January it seems like eeeeverybody is working out…. Again. (ummm, quick question, why is it more important now to get in shape than it was on 12/1... or 11/1... or 10/1....?)

But there's 'working out' and then there is 'working out'.  I see so many people go to a gym, get on a treadmill, and post "beast mode" or “killed it” or “look out 2014” or some other knucklehead comment on Facebook.

I'm also seeing some people SKIP the exercise/weight lifting part and stick to some “diet”.  (that’s always a bad choice, going on diets leaves you weak, grumpy, hungry, skinny, bushy eyebrows, undesirable and just plain boring.)

And by now we’ve all heard of these miracle “cleanses” going around.  I’m not a fan, I’m more of a Bieber fan than a “cleanse” fan. (See, here is my Justin Beiber CrossFit log book!)

At least not of the traditional cleanses that you do 'once in a while'.  If you ask me, your food should be so clean that you ‘cleanse’ every single day.

Like Ice-T loves Coco, you do it every single day…..  Those traditional ‘once-in-a-while’ cleanses leave you on the toilet all day.  They may show quick results, but the results you get will be wimpy.  Wimpy results come from wimpy things, things like spanks, pink dumbbells, and tofu. It slims you down, but, you know…not much fun and leaves you wanting more.
But hey, have you tried this cleanse?

 So here’s the deal..

Cleansing is important – but it’s NOT about relying on miracle supplements and "as seen on TV" junk.  It’s about making small changes to the stuff you eat throughout the day.

Here are 3 quick tips:

#1 Drink a TON of water in the morning!
Drink a liter or so of water right after you wake up.  The thing is, when you sleep you lose water simply by breathing, and because you’re not moving when you sleep the toxins that your body produces build up. "I can't drink a lot of water, I will always be in the bathroom," ok, don't drink a lot, don't feel good, don't look good, simple.

So drinking that water cleans you out.  Also, add some lemon. This stimulates your digestion.

#2 Eat more greens/Drink more greens
(do it, do it now-yes, get up right now and do it).  

Eat more greens. Try having veggies with EVERY single meal.

Yeah, every single meal.  I’m serious on this one. Vegetables are the fountain of youth. I’m getting to the point that if you DON’T eat veggies, there really is little hope for you.

Veggies give you vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and they make you very attractive.  And if you have a hard time getting veggies in by eating them, make them liquid and drink up, like eggnog at a Lakeside Christmas party!

I mean, you probably won’t have time to chew leafy greens all day. That’s what cows do.  And no matter what they say, you're not a cow.

It’s easy to put Kale, Ginger, Parsley, Lettuce, etc into a juicer/blender, heck we even do it for you here! Do that, juice your greens and drink them with your pinky up.

When you eat grains, sugar, and animal products your body turns ‘acidic’, this is when you get sick, tired, lazy, lethargic, etc.  Eat more vegetables and you’ll remove all that acidity, and your alkaline levels will go back to superhero mode, kind of like real “beast mode.”

#3 Stop eating dumb stuff.
Limit your caffeine, avoid sugar, and skip alcohol. That's a good place to start.

But, you also want to limit foods like corn, soy, grains, and most animal products.  They're very congesting and taxing on your digestive and immune system. When you eat these man-made foods, your immune system will see them as 'foreign space invaders' and will go all Will Smith on you and shut you down, like he did in Men In Black and Independence Day.
When this happens, your immune system will stimulate inflammation throughout your body, leading to mucus production, congestion, and low on energy.  The best way to realize this is to experience it first hand.  And the only way to do that is by removing these foods from your diet - at least for a few days.

Try this, I guarantee you'll feel reborn, your hair will look great like mine, and when you roll out of bed, and you’ll speed up your fat loss as well.

Let's keep it real. Stick to what works, and put on your blinders when you see the NYR (New Year's Resolution) craziness going on around you.

Anyone can get the results they want. You know what to do, most don’t do it for three reasons:

1 - most are too lazy
2 - most are too lazy
3 - most are too lazy.

Rock on, lift HEAVY, wear leather, eat meat!
