Wednesday, October 30, 2013

You Better Be Doing this!

Last night we had our Lakeside Fitness Center Halloween party, and it was ROCKING!  Everyone came out looking sharp, the energy was off-the-charts, the DJ was playing killer music and it felt great to be surrounded by all our awesome members and staff that came out.

We had some trouble though as you could imagine…. a gangster, a wolverine, a pimp, a drugged out pop star, a devil and other “bad guys” showed up, which obviously meant that the SWAT team was here with Wonder Woman keeping things under control with Captain Kirk, and for the kids Ronald McDonald even showed to give out Big Macs, but Hooters sent their representative to hand out ….. let’s just say beverages!

I also did my best on the dance floor but my hips didn't loosen up until 10pm (right before the lights went on)… …..just kidding that was Toni and Teri!  I think they were auditioning for Dance Fever!  But back to me for a second, I have this weird relationship with the dance floor. Some nights I'm Ricky Martin, other nights I just jog in place…or do the Running Man and Cabbage Patch!

Anyway, today I want to tell you about 2 movies you should watch.  They're actually documentaries, but cool documentaries. Not boring. They're about vegetables. Let me explain. WHAT????  Who the heck wants to watch veggies?

I'm talking about "Forks Over Knives" and "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"

If you haven't seen them yet, check them out - they are awesome eye-openers on the power of 'plant based foods'.  (you can get them on Netflix and/or Hulu btw)

The overall takeaway I got was that you BETTER be eating vegetables twice a day.  That's it.  I know it sounds simple, but it's something that needs to be done every day, with no excuses. Eating vegetables is a life-or-death decision. If you don't eat your vegetables you will set yourself up for big time failure.  Honest.  If you don’t like to eat veggies drink them…. Oh yeah we now have veggie drinks here at the gym for you!!  

Plus, vegetables make you way better looking. That's a fact.  Back when I used to date Angelina Jolie she drank 3 gallons of Veggies every day!!! :)

With that said, here are 4 more reminders for you:

*** 1 *** Kale is the best vegetable in the world.  Pound for pound it has the most nutrients per bite, and it's probably one of the best foods in the world. It's a heavy-hitter that does it like a boss. It calls the shots, and it's sitting on top of the game like Chingy was back in 2003. Bueller, Bueller?

*** 2 *** Kale chips are one of the best snacks you can have in between meals.  For snacks you want something low-calorie, but with high nutrients and preferably some fiber too.  Kale chips are great for this, just watch out for the unsaturated fat content. Often they will be mixed with nuts and this causes them to be high in calories.

*** 3 *** Vegetables give you energy.  Carbs are cool, if you eat the right ones you will get a cool flow of energy until they run out (like brown rice, sweet potatoes).  Veggies on the other hand give you something much more important -> Vitality!  If right now you're feeling sluggish and lethargic.. eat 3 cups of broccoli, drink some water, wait 10 minutes, then tell me you're not feeling much more alive.

*** 4 *** 61% of the American Diet nowadays is processed.  That means all oils, sugars, flour products are heated before they are sold. The heating process damages the nutrients, and as a result, processed food only has TEN percent (10%) of it's original nutrients.

So eat clean, more veggies, and skip all processed foods. Justin Bieber has clear skin, she eats her veggies everyday!

Now one more thing.. obviously this is all stuff you probably already know.  But still, I feel emails like this are successful if at the end you say:

"Oh I always knew that Einstein"

Because the stuff I just talked about is just a reflection of what you already know, but don't know that you know.  That's why sometimes you need to connect the dots, so you see the bigger picture. We all know we should eat veggies 2x a day. And we all know that there is no magic pill for fat loss, getting definition.. or even making lots of money for that matter.  “Whoa Greg, you just blew my mind, you mean I can’t buy the ‘flip this house’ program like I saw on TV and but the thigh master and wind up with a Supermodel on a 100 foot yacht in the Caribbean?” Nope, sorry.

It all comes down to hard work, dedication, and most importantly, WILLPOWER.  If you ask me, willpower is what separates the happily successful from the miserable, and willpower is something that nobody can give you, you have to create it for yourself

The best way to do so, is live BELOW your means.  I'm talking financially AND nutrition-wise.. let me explain.. Here in America there are 2 things I feel people abuse most: Money and Food.  Both are readily available, and it takes willpower not to take 'cash advances' on both.  I mean, anyone can walk into a BMW dealership and drive off in a 3-series.. Just like it's easy to eat Chicken Wings, then get on Facebook and tell yourself you'll "burn it off later.. lol #gettingchubby #butimworthit"

So what I mean with 'living below your means' is that you should always workout BEFORE you decide to have that cheat meal.  Having a cheat meal before a workout is like putting yourself in debt. Like buying an Audi with zero down.

.. it's short-sighted, and you will always be behind.  So to put it all in words -> Stop being like a rapper with your food, buying diamond chains instead of real estate.  Workout, then eat. Don't eat, then workout. Nah' wut m sayin?

Prioritize your workouts, eat vegetables with meat (and not the other way around), and have a laser-like focus on what YOU want (no matter what your friends will tell you).

Hope this resonated with you. Remember, it’s 2 months till America goes New Years Resolution-crazy again, keep it tight till then and say no to bread.

Decir no al pan! :)

Lakeside Fitness Center - New Jersey

Monday, October 28, 2013

October Newsletter

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Lakeside Fitness Center Newsletter
For Best Results...
Want to get the most from your workouts? Follow these 5 tips:
  1. Be Consistent: exercise at least 4 times each week.
  2. Be Challenged: change your routine often.
  3. Be Patient: don’t forget that true fitness results take time.
  4. Be Excited: find an exercise program that you love.
  5. Be Coached: call in a professional, like our trainers, for real results. Call or email today!
Don't Believe These 5 Myths
Nothing irks us more than when good people are misled by fitness myths. These myths sabotage results and keep people miles from their goal weight.

So we’ve got to warn you about the bogus rumors going around about strength training. We don’t want to see you held captive by a faulty belief.

The truth is that strength training is the number one thing you can do for your health, fitness and appearance.

Don’t fall for one of these 5 myths and miss out on tremendous potential results.

Strength Training Myth #1: Muscle Can Turn Into Fat

Why would anyone want to build muscle if they think it could morph into fat over time? Don’t worry; this myth is seriously bogus.

Muscle tissue is muscle tissue. Fat tissue is fat tissue. One will never become the other.

Strength Training Myth #2: Strength Training Makes Women Bulk Up

Sure, strength training increases the amount of muscle on your body, so many women take this to mean that their body will become body-builder-esque. Not quite the look you’re going for…

The truth is that the female body simply doesn’t naturally contain large enough levels of testosterone to put on bulk muscle without a very focused and dedicated effort. Rest assured, ladies, the effort you spend on strength training will get you closer to that lean, toned look you want.

Strength Training Myth #3: Strength Train Enough and You Can Eat Anything

This one makes me cringe, as I’ve seen so many people throw away their hard-earned fitness results by eating too much of the wrong stuff. Even if you strength train daily at an intense rate, your total calories still matter. To top it off, most people overestimate how many calories they burn as well as underestimate how many calories they eat. Talk about a fattening combo.

For best results, maintain a calorie-controlled diet filled with fresh, wholesome ingredients in addition to a regular, challenging strength training routine.

Strength Training Myth #4: Strength Training Does Not Burn Fat

This one couldn’t be more false. Muscle is actually your number one ally against fat gains.

One pound of muscle burns 10-20 calories each day, just living and breathing. Regular strength training helps you increase your muscle mass as well as preserve existing muscle mass, turning you into a fat burning machine.

Strength Training Myth #5: High Reps And Light Weights For Toning

This myth, made popular in the 90’s, says that very high repetitions of very light weights would result in a toned physique. Sorry, not true. These high repetitions will increase your muscular endurance but will not add strength or tone.

In order to truly challenge your muscles, heavier weights with lower repetitions are a must. Start with an 8-10 repetition range and push your muscles with each set.

Include strength training as a part of your fitness routine and finally achieve a fit and toned body. My custom-made fitness programs remove all of the guesswork for you. I know what works, and I make it my mission to see you reach your goals.

Call or email today and we’ll get you started on the program that’s best for you.
Cranberry Chicken Salad
Meals that are high in protein and natural fiber are the perfect way to compliment your strength training routine to achieve your fat loss goal quickly. This recipe for Cranberry Chicken Salad is a delicious way to eat lean and clean. Serve on large lettuce leaves. Servings: 8

Here’s what you need...
  • 4 cups cooked chicken breast, cubed
  • 1 fennel bulb, chopped
  • 1/4 cup roasted pistachios, chopped
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 Tablespoon roasted pepitas
  • 3 Tablespoons coconut milk, canned and full fat
  • 1 teaspoon dried, ground sage
  • 3 Tablespoons fresh parsley, minced
  • dash of salt and pepper
  • head of Romaine lettuce
1. Mix all of the ingredients, except the lettuce, in a bowl. Serve by spooning the chicken salad in large Romaine lettuce leaves.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 221 calories, 9 fat, 123mg sodium, 10g carbohydrates, 4g fiber, and 23g protein.

Jamie says: 
"I would never take the time to actually make this recipe, but I would definitely take the time to eat it."

Motivate your friends, family and co-workers! Use the "refer a friend" link below to forward this newsletter and subscribe your friends.
Lakeside Fitness Center
100 Bauer Drive
Oakland NJ, 07436
Lakeside Fitness Center

Thursday, October 24, 2013

SkinnyFit: CrossFit’s Other Dirty Little Secret

SkinnyFit: CrossFit’s Other Dirty Little Secret

CrossFit, Masters Athletes

Open any magazine and you will see what we all preach against. Airbrushed, too-thin models, who represent the so-called ideal that is in reality, mainly because of the Photoshopping techniques, unattainable. These are women who starve themselves and yet despite having nearly zero fat not a hint of an abdominal muscle can be seen.

crossfit, skinnyfit, getting skinny at crossfit, crossfit bikini challengeWe don’t do skinny. We’re CrossFit. We post our pictures to Facebook of the side-by-side butt-shots - one muscular, rounded well-developed set of glutes, the other an emaciated, flat derrière with the words “Women! Take Notice! Squats – No Squats!” We tell our girls that strong has replaced skinny as the ideal, and that strength and performance trump aesthetics every time. We post our My Butt Is Big motivational posters, celebrating the curves, the muscles, and the very antithesis of skinny.

Why then, is there a subculture of skinny-hawking bikini-body programming starting to creep up at CrossFit boxes around the country? I happened upon a box’s website the other day and found this:


Spring is here and summer is right around the corner. Though our training ideology has always been to train for function and allow form to follow, let’s be honest – We’re all still motivated by the way we look with our clothes off.
Introducing our second annual CrossFit Bikini Challenge.

CrossFit. Bikini. Challenge. You read that right. The instructions directed interested parties to first pony up the entry fee and a before photo, and then get ready for eight week’s worth of workouts designed to leave them in beach-ready shape.

Don’t get me wrong, I am well aware that every person trains for his or her own reasons, and there is no question many people who walk through the front door do so with the wish to end up with a rockin’ body. Our egos and collective self-esteem are, after all, only human. Of course we want to look good, feel good, have our clothes fit us well, and so on. But the CrossFit generation, especially the box owners, the ones with the voice, should be above all of that. We shouldn’t be selling aesthetic - we should be selling health.

The side effect of CrossFit is that you will look better. The primary goal has always been, and should remain, that you need to be fit for life. Greg Glassman drew the analogy himself in the early days of CrossFit when he talked about an old woman picking up a bag of groceries - a deadlift - and this has been reinforced through the years, that CrossFit keeps you vital into your golden years, keeps you out of a nursing home, keeps firefighters charging into the fire, Rangers charging into battle, and police charging into a riot zone, all while at the peak of our personal fitness.

After all, “We don’t do abs. We do midline stabilization.”

crossfit, skinnyfit, getting skinny at crossfit, crossfit bikini challengeBut a bikini challenge? What this does, in my humble opinion, is simply reinforce the Photoshop aesthetic-as-ideal, and asserts that fitness is not about health, but about how good you can look in a swimsuit.

Most boxes have a melting pot of body types, from athletic to overweight, from young to masters. All body types are represented, and most likely include women who may be dealing with body issues enough as it is. One would think that women have finally landed in a CrossFit box because of our historical trumpeting of function over fad, strong over skinny, and above all, healthy, in both mind and body.

How then does a “CrossFit Bikini Challenge” serve those women?

It’s a slippery slope, to be sure. As affiliates proliferate and competition among boxes becomes fiercer, boxes are looking for ways to attract more members. New programs that serve a wider variety of clientele are, frankly, a good idea. At my gym, we offer Olympic and strongman training as supplemental tracks along with traditional CrossFit programming, and many boxes now offer a CrossFit Games track for those wishing to excel beyond everyday fitness and compete. In addition, things like Krav Maga, MMA, and the like are offered at many gyms. Between individualized programming and nutritional counseling, a person can almost design a program to meet his or her own needs.

BUT: (and it’s a very big but, pun most definitely intended) The slope gets the iciest when we begin to appeal to the masses through programs seeking not to broaden their fitness, but to appeal to their dollars. Yeah, I know those may be fighting words. But read on.

CrossFit boxes are a business. As a business, they need to turn a profit in order to remain a business. Most CrossFit boxes, I would posit, have a business model that starts with offering excellence, and from there, the money flows. But, there are those whose business model starts with making money.

Case in point: the first box I worked for had a strong AdvoCare presence. A huge AdvoCare banner hung right by the front door and a big product display greeted people when they walked in the door, and the products were hawked rather aggressively. I was always curious how after an on-ramp class graduated nearly every member of that class was suddenly doing the AdvoCare 24-day challenge. I soon became convinced the nutrition portion of this gym’s on-ramp curriculum was simply a ploy to push the products. When I would try to start a conversation with many of these new members about paleo, they would respond, “That’s okay, I am doing that AdvoCare 24 day thing. I’ll probably start paleo after that.”

It seemed instead of teaching people how to eat food, the box owners were simply plying these people with supplements. They didn’t give two shits about teaching their clients to eat right. They cared about growing the AdvoCare pyramid.

Enter “SkinnyFit”

crossfit, skinnyfit, getting skinny at crossfit, crossfit bikini challengeNow, we see one particular program starting to gain a foothold: classes with the word “skinny” attached. I know of at least two boxes in the Midwest that offer “SkinnyFit” classes, and another that offers “CrossFit Skinny.” It’s described as “CrossFit without the barbell.” Another box describes itthis way, “We created a fat blasting program designed to sculpt lean muscle while constantly burning calories long after you leave the class!”

Oh, I didn’t know that fat blasting and burning calories were among the cornerstones of the CrossFit ideology. This is sounding suspiciously like the Tracy Anderson Method.

Many more are beginning to offer programs that fall into the bootcamp mold, or have names like “CrossFit Core.” I follow a lot of boxes of Facebook and it seems every week there is a new CrossFit alternative being offered - a high cardio, metcon heavy, barbell-free 9:30 a.m. class, targeting the bootcamp crowd.

Trust me - I get this. I understand there is a demographic who simply doesn’t want to go full-CrossFit. Better to have them in our boxes where we can at least help them, rather than have them slogging away in a globo gym somewhere on a treadmill. Yes, a need is being served here, a vital fitness service that is much better than the alternative. It’s just the way it’s being packaged that I am concerned about. Bootcamp all day under the banner of getting fit, and I am your biggest ally. Bootcamp under the banner of getting skinny, and now we’re in dangerous water.

Perhaps we’re on the precipice of a movement that is going to take off - the CrossFit-alternative bootcamp offerings. How the community at large decides to market those offerings will determine whether we remain true to the core ideals of CrossFit - constantly varied functional movements done at high intensity - or whether we’re going to sell a fat-blasting, calorie-burning swimsuit package.

But skinny? For the love of all humanity, avoid that word at all costs. Skinny girls are not strong. Skinny may be a genetic inheritance for a small minority of people who can’t gain muscle no matter how they try, but it should never be the goal.

crossfit, skinnyfit, getting skinny at crossfit, crossfit bikini challengeMy 23-year-old daughter, Chelsea, (pictured) just cleaned and jerked #195, then cleaned #200. TWO HUNDRED POUNDS. The look of elation on her face in the photo reveals a lot. She is strong, confident, and happy. She has zero interest in being skinny or posing for before and after pictures in a bikini. She can clean, snatch, muscle-up, chest-to-bar, deadlift, squat heavy, and is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, females at Cincinnati Strength and Conditioning.

And she is fit. Very fit. If “strong is the new skinny,” then stop pushing the old skinny.

Photos 2&3 courtesy of CrossFit LA.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Too Much of a Good Thing

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Lakeside Fitness Center Newsletter 10-21-13

Did you know Lakeside offers Massage?

National Massage Therapy Awareness Week Is Oct. 20-26

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. While eliminating anxiety and pressure altogether in this fast-paced world may be idealistic, massage can, without a doubt, help manage stress. Furthermore, clients often report a sense of perspective and clarity after receiving a massage. The emotional balance bodywork provides can often be just as vital and valuable as the more tangible physical benefits.

Massage for Your Health: Massage and Sleep

According to the Centers for Disease Control, “Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions—such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression—which threaten our nation’s health. Notably, insufficient sleep is associated with the onset of these diseases and also poses important implications for their management and outcome.”

Some Recent Research:

Some recent research is helping shed light on how massage therapy can be used to help people who have difficulty sleeping. One study of how massage therapy can benefit people with lower back pain and sleep disturbances found that the massage therapy group experienced less pain, depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance when compared to the group using only relaxation therapy.
A 2010 study investigated the effects of massage therapy for sleep quality on patients who had coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The study evaluated whether massage therapy would be effective in improving sleep quality in patients. Interestingly, pain in the chest, shoulders and back decreased significantly for both groups from day one to day three. The participants in the massage therapy group, had fewer complaints of fatigue, as well as reporting more effective sleep.
Please contact massage therapist Elise Palazzi 201-651-1010 to schedule a massage today!
Group exercise highlight of the week willPower & Grace with Jody Diaz Tues 5:30pm & Sat 9am:

willPower & grace®.

Whole, Raw Fruit: The Benefits
There's a reason that health care providers and fitness experts recommend a balanced diet with plenty of fruits. Quite a few reasons, actually. Here are a few things you'll consume when eating a piece of your favorite fruit:
  • Fiber, which helps maintain gastrointestinal regularity and reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • Folate, which helps reduce a pregnant woman's risk for giving birth to a child with defects in the brain or spinal cord.
  • Potassium, which helps your body maintain a healthy blood pressure.
  • Vitamin A, which helps your body fight off infections and maintain healthy eyes and skin.
  • Vitamin C, which helps your teeth stay healthy and assists your body in the healing process when you experience a cut or wound.

Jamie says:
"If Greg chose to eat vegetables, he would have them raw."
When Fruit Sabotages Results
Most of us consider fruit to be healthy – something that we can enjoy without restraint. And while fresh fruit does contain essential vitamins, minerals and fiber, the market place has been flooded with "fruit products" that are sabotaging your fat loss results.

Is any product with the word "fruit" in the name a valid way to meet your fruit quota? Nope. Here's what we mean:

Problem Fruit #1: Juice

Fresh fruit juice can be wonderful. It has great flavor, great color, and good amounts of important vitamins and minerals. At least it does when it is actually fruit juice. Unfortunately, many drinks labeled as fruit juice, contain a very low amount of actual fruit juice. For these hardly-fruit fruit juices, sugar and water make up the bulk of the contents, robbing you of the important benefits of all-natural fruit juice and leaving you primed and ready to fill your fat cells.

Always keep fruit juice indulgences to a minimum, as even the fruit-only kind is loaded with simple sugars.

Problem Fruit #2: The Fruit Smoothie
Now, now, don't get all up in arms. Smoothies have long been considered a healthy treat, but this often a misconception. It's not that all fruit smoothies are unhealthy. In fact, a smoothie can give you a big boost of vitamins and minerals that help you feel energetic and ready to face the day. However, it's very easy to add more sugar than is found in many desserts, losing all the healthy benefits and putting you at risk for fat storage.

To keep your smoothie lean and healthy, don't add ice cream or frozen yogurt, processed sweeteners, or other items that are high in sugar and filled with empty calories. Keep your smoothie nothing but fruit, ice, juice, yogurt, and a nice scoop of protein powder to ensure it is high on the health chart.

Problem Fruit #3: Fruit-Filled Desserts
Lots of desserts are based around fruit. Cheesecake, pie, and upside down cake just to name a few. Though most of these desserts are unhealthy, there are a few healthy fruit-based desserts to enjoy. Fruit parfait and fruit sorbet are usually lower in sugar and calories than most desserts. And if you just have to have your cake and eat it with berries too, a light angel food will do just fine. Just make sure the slice of cake is thin.

Problem Fruit #4: Fruit-Flavored Cereals
Hopefully eating bowl after bowl of fruity cereals that leave your milk pink and orange is only a problem for your kids. But if you're still hooked on cereals that claim to have some semblance of fruit, while being filled with added sugars and calories, it's time for a change. Yes, these cereals may taste good, but sugar-laden breakfast cereals are ruining your fitness results—even if they supposedly have real fruit flavors. Wean yourself from the fruity cereals by chopping some real fruit into a bowl of healthy, sugar-free, whole grain cereal.

Stick with the Real Deal. The best way to avoid unhealthy fruit flavored products is to only eat raw, whole fruits and avoid packaged fruit in any shape or form. This will keep you on track with your fitness and fat loss goal.

Don't forget that true fitness success comes from a combination of a consistent, challenging exercise routine coupled with a diet of wholesome, unprocessed foods.

We are here to help you meet your fitness and weight loss goals.

Call or email today to get started on a fitness program that will have you seeing results before this year's end.
Cinnamon Baked Apple Chips
Most packaged dried fruits contain added cane sugar, but here's a recipe for baked apple chips that uses only a touch of wholesome sweeteners and a sprinkle of cinnamon. No need for a dehydrator either, these tasty chips are made in the oven! Enjoy this as a delicious dessert or pack a bagful for an on-the-go snack. Servings: 5

Here's what you need:
  • 6 apples (try Pink Lady or Honeycrisp)
  • 6 cups fruit-only juice (try pear juice)
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Sea salt
  • Coconut Crystals
  1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F. Core and then thinly slice 6 apples (skins are fine!)
  2. Boil the apples for 5 minutes in a pot with the fruit juice and cinnamon sticks.
  3. Remove from the juice, pat dry and arrange the apple slices on a cooling rack placed on a rimmed baking sheet. Sprinkle with cinnamon, sea salt and coconut crystals. Place in the preheated oven for 1 to 2 hours. Remove from heat once crispy.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 114 calories, 0g fat, 60mg sodium, 30g carbohydrate, 6g fiber, and 1g protein

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Lakeside Fitness Center
100 Bauer Drive
Oakland NJ, 07436
Lakeside Fitness Center

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lakeside Fitness Center Newsletter

THANK YOU & HIGHLIGHT of the week:
Thank you to everyone who came out this weekend to support a great cause. We are still selling items for donations to the Susan G Koman For A Cure Foundation all month long! Stop by the lobby to get your pink socks, shirts, bracelets, pins & more.

We would like to honor our very own Teri Coccia. You may have met her as a spin instructor and trainer here at Lakeside but you may not know she is our real life super hero and breast cancer survivor! If you have not had the pleasure of meeting Teri, we are excited to announce she will now be the permanent Saturday 9am SPIN instructor. Please make sure you stop by her class in the next couple weeks and show support to such a strong woman.


From 30 Days to a Lifestyle
When you decide to take the next 30 days to transform your body, something greater is going to happen. You're going to learn how to live lean, and as you watch the fat melt away you're going to want to stick with it. Past 30 days. Past 60 days.

Once you get into the groove of health and fat loss, you will never want to stop.
And as a result you'll live out your days in amazing shape, loving life. Hey, don't say I didn't warn you!
30 Days to a NEW YOU
The holidays are on the horizon, and with them two straight months of eating too much, sweet indulgences, and missed workouts.

Then 2014 will begin with you being 5-10 pounds heavier than you are today.

Ugh. No thanks.

What if you spent the next 30 days dropping excess pounds and getting into better shape? Then you could ride out the holiday months fitter than ever and more likely to eat healthier, indulge less and stick with your workout schedule.

You'd welcome the New Year feeling fabulously fit and confident.

Sounds good, right?

I've got just the plan to get you there. Follow these 5 steps to transform your body over the next 30 days...

1) Go Bread Free: Going bread-free for 30 days is such a simple way to accelerate fat loss. Just think of all the extra carbs and calories that you'll be saving yourself from. And it's not so bad, once you get used to it. Wrap sandwiches and burgers in lettuce or on top of a pile of greens.

2) Workout 5x's Each Week: Take the next 30 days to really focus your efforts in the gym. Train as if you were preparing yourself for an athletic event, with the mindset that each and every workout is important in seeing you through your goal. Make a log of each time that you exercise, noting the duration, intensity and activity.

3) Go Sugar Free: Sugar is the biggest thing holding you back when it comes to dropping fat and getting lean. And not just refined sugar. I'm talking about all sugars. Take the next 30 days to cut out all sweeteners and limit your intake of sweet fruits. This will be hard at first, especially if you have a sweet tooth, but the rapid change in you body is fantastic incentive to keep going.

4) Focus on Protein and Veggies (MO GREEN JUICE): Enough about all the things you can't eat, let's talk about what you can eat. Your meals should be a variety of protein and veggies. For protein stick with organic, hormone-free meat that has been roasted, baked or grilled. For veggies, avoid starchy veggies like potatoes, and instead stick with an assortment of colorful, fiber-filled veggies.

5) Commit to be Fit: The quickest way to get your body into tip-top shape is to join one of my fitness programs. I'm here to get you into the best shape of your life, with my proven, effective system. Make the commitment now, and together we can make the body of your dreams a reality.

So there you have it, 5 simple steps to transforming your body before the holidays even begin.

Remember, the next 30 days are going to pass whether you jump on board with a fitness plan or not. So you're going to spend the next 30 days simply getting older and more out-of-shape OR you could buckle down and finally make your amazing transformation.

The choice is yours.


Jamie says: "The only way to keep your health is to eat what most people don't want, drink what most people don't like and do what most people would rather not."

"I chose a career in fitness because watching individuals grow and reach their goals inspires me to keep on pushing to reach my own. I have learned a lot on my fitness journey and showing people the steps I took has turned into a true passion. When I first went away to school I began running and weight training here and there but I feared that I would become “bulky” and unfeminine. I desired to be that perfect skinny girl. Soon enough I found myself coming home from college with the freshmen “negative 25”. Weighing in at nearly 100lbs didn’t seem to bother me until it began to affect my life. I soon found well-known fitness icons, Amanda Adams and Jamie Eason, and that really motivated me to become a healthier individual. I began to change the way I thought about my body as soon as I started lifting weights. I found CrossFit 908 2 years ago and fell in love. The owner Tim Carroll changed my life and I have never looked back. I am the healthiest I have ever been and I want to show everyone my journey and pass along my knowledge. The desire to better myself and inspire others has turned into my true passion.



During October we are inviting all members and guests to try CrossFit FREE for one week (this one week is consecutive days, requires sign up per session, late & cancellation policy strictly enforced & initial registration through Sarah or Nicole). After a week trial, anyone can upgrade their membership by signing the account update form at the front desk. Starting November 1, the new schedule will identify 3 different types of CrossFit sessions:

1. FREE TRIAL - Extended to everyone (member or not) once every 6 months. This free trial is designed to continually expose members to CrossFit’s training philosophy but will not include some of CrossFit’s more complex lifts as a true WOD may. These sessions will always be similar so that all newbie’s get the same beating and have a common experience to speak of.

2. OnRamp - A designated amount of sessions that all new members who have purchased CrossFit must graduate from to take any CrossFit WOD’s. All of October’s CrossFit sessions are designed to expose all members to the experience the fundamentals and lay the ground work for more complex WOD’s.

3. WOD’s (workout of the day) - Sessions that only paid Crossfit members can take once they have graduated from CrossFit OnRamp. These sessions vary daily and include a broad recipe of pre-programmed movements from body weight, kettlebell, Olympic style lifts, gymnastic and more.

The introduction rate for CrossFit is $199/month. This will be the only time we offer CrossFit as an all-inclusive unlimited option. This means the $199 CrossFit membership includes the gym & Bootcamp for no additional costs without any restrictions. We are in the process of getting the schedule full of times that appeal to the most amounts of people possible. Please give us any suggestion on times that you like or would like to see in the future. After the first 50 people join CrossFit, $199 will be an additional cost to the basic memberships and limited to CrossFit only. This is intended to be an exclusive small group training program with a limited capacity of 8-10 people per session so we can ensure safety, proper movement patterns and lifting techniques.


Baked Veggie and Chicken Skewers
These delicious Baked Veggie and Chicken Skewers are a quick and simple dinner that's filled with fiber and protein. Dinners like this will get you well on your way to transforming your body. Pack the leftovers for a wholesome, fat burning lunch. Servings: 8

Here's what you need:
15 bamboo skewers, cut in half
1 cup coconut aminos
1 cup filtered water
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
3 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
3 Tablespoons olive oil
1 Tablespoon onion powder
2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 Tablespoon minced ginger root
1 lb organic chicken breast tenders, cut into 2-inch pieces
1 orange bell pepper, cut into 1 inch pieces
1 green bell pepper, cut into 1 inch pieces
1 yellow bell pepper, cut into 1 inch pieces

Soak the bamboo skewers in water for an hour. Combine all of the ingredients, except the bell peppers, in large ziplock bag. Marinate in the fridge for 1 hour. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Thread the chicken pieces, alternating with bell pepper pieces, on the skewers. Line on a lightly greased pan and bake for 30 minutes, or until fully cooked through. Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 103 calories, 2g fat, 130mg sodium, 8g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, and 14g protein Motivate your friends, family and co-workers!

Lakeside Fitness Center
100 Bauer Drive
Oakland NJ, 07436